
Cheap Karachi to Quetta Flights | KHI to UET

The Types of Commutes from Karachi to Quetta You can travel from Karachi to Quetta, by bus, train, etc. Each type of commute has its benefits. But before choosing any one of them, get yourself familiarised with them and pick one that best suits your budget, needs, and adaptability.


If you want to have a fast, relaxing, and convenient trip, then air travel is the best option. The aerial distance between Karachi to Quetta is 592 KM. There is a daily flight from Karachi to Quetta. The earliest flight for the day leaves at 7:45 am. The last flight of the day departs at 2 pm. Flight time duration is 1 Hour 30 Minutes.

PIA and Serene Air are operating their flights from Karachi to Quetta and on you can explore amazing and cost-effective deals for a memorable journey.

Tickets and Flights from Karachi to Quetta

If you are planning to travel, then book your tickets online. offers Karachi to Quetta flight tickets, including information about seat availability, airlines, ticket prices, and flights comparison.

Top Domestic Airlines

Many airlines offer Karachi to Quetta flights are

PIA Flights

PIA is one of the famous and safest air routes from Karachi to Quetta. However, you can check the updated schedules whenever you want from Since the prices vary depending on customers’ traffic and travel date, PIA flight Karachi to Quetta charges can be accurately verified only by visiting our website at

Serene Flights

Serene flights from Karachi to Quetta take 1.5 hours. It is the second-best performing airline for Karachi to Quetta after PIA. Since flight rates vary as per the traffic, please find more info on



Post Landing

Quetta is popularly known as the ‘Fruit Garden of Pakistan’ because it cultivates various dry fruits. If you are travelling to Quetta anytime soon, you might want to know the best places to stay and visit.

Accommodation in Quetta

There are many staying spots in Quetta with proper accommodation and transportation services. We suggest you book your rooms before your travelling day through The following are the top-rated staying hotels in Quetta:


It depends on Flight Booking timing as If we pre-book our Flight, It costs us Cheaper; it also depends on Airlines as Airlines prices vary from one another.

Quetta is 689.1 km away from Karachi.

A typical flight to Karachi to Quetta takes up to 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Pakistan International Airline is supposed to be the cheapest air travel service in Pakistan for a flight from Karachi to Quetta.

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